ACME Sustainable Development
Developments in science and technology are fundamentally changing the way people live, communicate and transact. This has had profound effects on economic development. Throughout history, technological and scientific advancements have provided the basis for improvements in health systems, education and infrastructure. Nations have long leveraged these advancements to attain continuous levels of economic advances. Nations and institutions looking to achieve superiority in their own right must look at what tools, practices and technologies are needed to promote growth. To promote sustainable development, developing countries should invest in quality education for youth, continuous skills training for workers and managers, and adoption of new technologies to improve efficiency and productivity. A key factor in this process is the growth-generating reallocation of labor and capital among sectors. However, development needs to be guided by an ethical philosophy to emphasize a fairer distribution of the benefits of economic growth both nationally and internationally; and, more importantly, promote human development. ACME Advisors provides Techno/Economical and strategic advisory to help our clients define, construct, and implement tools and practices needed to reach high sustainable levels of institutional and economic development. The mission of ACME Corp Business Psychology is to help our clients be in harmony with their vision, focus on their objectives, cope with the dues of culture change and above all build faith in their capabilities.